Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


Kate is a real artist and a professional. She styled me and my mom for my wedding and we couldn’t be happier about our looks. Atmosphere was super friendly and effect was perfect. Make ups lasted till 6am! We highly recommend Katie!


Sofiia Gorodetckaia

I would like to thank Kate for participating in an important event for me. She created a beautiful image, gave me mood and self-confidence. Thank you for your professionalism, accessibility and individual approach!

Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


Есть большое желание поделиться с вами высокой оценкой работы стилиста с чудесным русским именем Катя. Пунктуальна, коммуникабельна, обаятельна, конечно же, профессиональна. Обладает отличным вкусом, видит нашу изюминку, умеет подчеркнуть нашу индивидуальность, придать лицу магию. Катя — стилист с тонким чутьем художника, который способен удивить мир нашей с вами красотой. В работе над лицом достигает совершенства, законченности образа. Она чувствует наш внутренний свет и мастерски с помощью качественной косметики открывает его, тем самым одухотворяет наш образ. Работает Катя очень приятно и легко. Она умеет слушать наши сокровенные желания. Я и Лоретта выглядели потрясающе на бракосочетании наших детей. Мы очень благодарны ей. Удачных решений и творческих находок, Катюша! Avrei un grande desiderio di condividere con voi l'apprezzamento per l’ottimo lavoro di una stilista dal meraviglioso nome russo Katya. È puntuale, comunicativa, affascinante e naturalmente è una professionista. Ha un gusto eccellente, vede le nostre particolarità, sa sottolineare la nostra individualità e dare un tocco di magia al viso. Katya è una stilista con uno spiccato senso artistico, capace di sorprendere il mondo con la nostra bellezza. Nel suo lavoro sul viso raggiunge la perfezione e la completezza dell'immagine. Sente la nostra luce interiore e usa magistralmente cosmetici di qualità per rivelarla, dando così vita alla nostra immagine. Katia lavora in modo piacevole e semplice. Sa ascoltare i nostri desideri più profondi. Ero bellissima al matrimonio della mia figlia. Le sono molto grata. In bocca al lupo per le tue decisioni e le tue trovate creative, Katya!

Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


  Thank you so much ❤️ we are so happy with The results! You were great❤️😍  

Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


Sono veramente contenta di averla conosciuta oltre che a livello professionale anche personale
, Il make-up che crea sa abbinarlo perfettamente all' aspetto per l'occasione e più che perfetto 😍

Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


Kate is a true professional and creates a really nice vibe! She will make you look gorgeous, I promise + you can have a nice conversation :)

Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


Kate is super professional and prepared, kind and smiling, she uses great products.
I will definitely call her back! ❤️

Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


Super professionale e gentile.
Preparata nel suo mestiere

Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


Kate is really good, sweet and makes perfect make-up! I was really happy and will be a point of reference for future events!

Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


  Hello, I just wanted to thank you so much for all the work you both did Saturday. You two did such amazing work. We loved the hair and makeup. My hair lasted very well all night long and so did my makeup. Everyone complemented it.

Thank you so very much!  

Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


I have never had my hair so beautifully made! And makeup as well!

Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


good morning… thank you so much for yesterday. the hair and make up was fantastic! we did it! it was just what I hoped for .

Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


Morning and thank thank you so so much everyone was impressed with the make you did for me and for the bridesmaids!!

My makeup remained on point after all the dancing and drinking i did 😂😂😁

Reviews. Makeup artist and hairstylist in Rome Italy | Kate Lisi


Hello!! I wanted to thank you again, the makeup was amazing in photo and it lasted the whole day♥

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